Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

The Starlet Game

The Starlet Game

Inside Television 585
Publication Date: 1-6-12
By: Hubert O’Hearn

We’re going to have some fun this week. It’s a new year, no one has done anything petrifyingly stupid yet, so let’s just relax and have a few chuckles.

The evening before I wrote this column I had a great on-line conversation with the editor of Le Herald de Paris, Jes Alexander. I’ve only just started writing for the Herald and it is an absolute treat to see my name and a dateline of Thunder Bay, Canada on its pages. If nothing else, that ought to send more than a few people running to Google Maps to see where in hell - I mean where on Earth - that is.

Just to finish setting up the story, the Herald is the heir and off-shoot of the International Herald-Tribune which is one of history’s great papers. The current International Herald-Tribune, since the New York Times took it over has turned into the same sort of puffy, inflated bloated faux-liberalism as its owner, whereas the Herald maintains the tradition of giving its writers room to run and precious little editorial restriction short of, ‘Is this going to get us sued?’ As it accepts no advertising, the Herald can kick rather than kiss Biblical equine creatures and I’m a happy boy writing there.

So, we’re tossing around ideas related to a year-long weekly series I’m doing on intelligent women in a wide array of occupations: actors, singers, activists, wrestlers - I cover the waterfront. Jes happened to mention the name of a quite famous female celebrity. I don’t do gotcha journalism, so I’m going to leave the celeb’s name out. Drop by with a bottle of Mordecai Richler’s beloved 15 year old Macallan and I’ll whisper it in your ear. Otherwise, the celeb has starred in no less than four long-running TV series and has sent teenage boys mopping their foreheads from lust for the best part of her run. So my editor tells me that Ms Celeb had befriended her on Facebook then dropped her like a hot potato once she found out that Jes was - gasp! shock! horror! - evil media!

No, not her!

What occurred to me then was what a bizarre life it is being an actor, a celebrity, a star. Without media - hello there, pleased to meet you - there is no publicity outside of paid ads and who in their right mind believes those? Seriously now, if you bought everything advertised you’d be broke, busted, bankrupt, still have breath that smelt like a monkey’s bum, drive some car that won’t start in January and hate everything you own once the new and improved version came out. I’ve never quite understood why advertising is legal whereas prostitution is a crime. At least the girls break a sweat.

Getting back to media and the celebrity, I was also shared a story of one, also female, who was hot as cayenne pepper a short handful of years ago then had her career go as cold as your in-laws when you start to expound on your theories about legalized marijuana in front of their grandchildren. That celebrity’s error? She went for the short-term financial gain of shooting a TV commercial for Botox which in turn reminded the audience that she was not a vestal virgin straight out of High School Confidential. Bad move. Her career vanished like an elephant with a wave of David Copperfield’s hankie.

One understands the paranoia that is the rule of The Starlet Game. You never know when a TMZ camera is going to be peeking up your skirt in search of invisible underwear. But to cast us all as zombie piranha fish in search of a carcass to devour? Oh, there’s a mistake. Without us, there is no honest publicity, no audience, no paycheque, nothing but a one-way ticket to a hard-to-get answer on Jeopardy!

Be seeing you.

Hakekat Kebohongan dan Kiat-Kiat dalam Berbohong

Cuaca mendung masihlah nampak di mata, awan putih pertanda hujan akan turun lama. Hujan yang sempat reda, kini mulai terdengar lagi di telinga. Ya sudahlah, toh aku juga gag bernjak kemana-mana, gumamku dalam hati. Sejenak ku menatap kosong dan terlintas di benakku untuk menulis sedikit pengalaman tentang hakekat kebohongan dan kiat-kiat dalam berbohong, terutama dengan dalih demi kebaikan.

Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Puisi Hasrat yang Terendap

Hasrat yang Terendap

Pada ranum wajahmu,
Aku ta' tau musim apa di matamu.

Pada bugar dedaunanmu,
Aku ta' mengerti apa yang tersimpan di akarmu.

Pada liat cintamu,
Aku ta' paham kelindan nasibku.

Karena Ampunan,
Bukan noktah, bukan zarah,
Aplagi larutan maghrib yang tertumpah.

Maka gegar laparku adalah benalu,
Sembunyi ke lain sisi dunia,
Seperti aib dan porak bahasa,
yg ta' pernah ketemu

Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Cara Menghilangkan Tulisan Powered by Blogger

Cara Menghilangkan Tulisan Powered by Blogger, menghilangkan atau tepatnya menyembunyikan Tulisan Powered by Blogger sebagian kita ingin menyembunyikannya dari tampilan supaya kelihatan lebih menarik. 

Seperti Membuat Auto Hide Navbar blogspot, juga karena sebagian dari para blogger menginginkan tampilan yang lebih elegant pada blog nya bisa juga menerapkannya pada blog nya.


Kisah Berkah dari Membaca Basmalah

Sebagi seorang muslim, kita dianjurkan untuk membaca basmalah dalam setiap melangkah dan bertindak. Dalam salah satu hadist Rasulullah SAW, "“Bacalah nama Allah SWT, makanlah dengan tangan kananmu dan makanlah makanan yang ada di dekatmu” (Muttafaqun Alaih).
Secara pribadi, dalam beberapa tahun ini, aku jarang sekali mengucapkan bismillah dalam setiap aktifitasku, baik pada awal maupun akhir

Puisi Hidup Baru

Hidup Baru
Kehidupan hadir saat Rabb mengizinkan kita menatap dunia ini,Bahkan Negara kita menganggap kita sudah ada sejak dalam rahim Bunda.Tapi mengapa begitu banyak orang yang menuturkan ucapan 'hidup baru'?,Apakah mereka hidup kembali, terlahir dari titik vital seorang wanita.
Ketika sepasang kekasih mengikatkan diri pada janji suci, terurai lantunan 'selamat menempuh hidup baru'.Saat malam

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Pembuka Blogku (intro)

Saat ku terbangun tuk kedua kalinya, mataku terasa bingar, terpanah sinar mentari yang menyelinap dari celah pintu kamrku. Ngilu dan kepala terasa berat, itu sudah pasti tapi tetap ku paksa tuk berbaring lagi. Namun, tak lama kemudian, nada dering hapeku kembali membangunkanku, aaah sial, gerutuku dalam hati. Tak ku pedulikan, ku hanya memandang tembok kamarku dan mendengarkan dengan seksama