The 2011 Leader's Debate
Live blog starts at 6:45 PM EDTThoughts? Comments? Suggestions?Email them to:
6:30 PM - Welcome. Tonight is pretty much the whole campaign. In a nutshell, can Harper survive the latest blast to the Trust issue? Does Michael Ignatieff have the Right Stuff? Will Jack Layton become relevant? And why is Gilles Duceppe there anyway?
6:35 PM The tough nut to crack Ignatieff and Layton need to attack Harper, yet not appear either a) shrill or b) a tag team. Politics is enough like wrestling that the fans tend to cheer for the underdog. The point needs to be made that Canada made it through the recession because of 80 years of banking regulation that avoided the debt crisis. If that can be stated clearly, then the agenda can shift to the future to that - you know - vision thingy.
6:40 - It is a very odd looking studio, like something out of a 1963 game show.
6:42 Watching our friend Marcia MacMillan on CTV News Channel The leaders are in the room. I remember interviewing Steve Paikin who moderated the 2006 debate. Steve said the eerie thing was that for the 10 minutes before the debate started, none of them said a word to each other. Massively tense.
6:45 Yes, we did start a bit early. I can't get over the look of the studio. Big organgey/brown rectangles and the podiums (podia? Podiatrists?) set very close. I'd pay dearly to see Layton start thumping his cane on the floor..on the podium...on Harper...
6:50 So it is Paikin again. Wonder if he's cracking a joke. I know he was highly tempted last time out...
6:52 The format is awkward: 4 in a room. You never really get a true one-on-one ... you know, debate like what you had in Mrs. Wigglesworth's Grade 5 class. Pity.
6:55 - right then, have to serve out dinner. Back for the start. Be sure to send any comments, particularly if you agree that Harper should be strapped naked to an ice floe and set loose in shark-filled waters. heh
6:58 So which one will be the first to unbutton his dark blue serge suit to show he's 'getting down to business'? My money's on Jack.
7:00 Showtime!
7:03 Oh good, there are one-on-ones. Harper plays Duceppe first. Duceppe of course is the one guy with nothing to lose.
7:04 Harper: economy good. taxes bad. Duceppe congratulates Harper for answering a question from a citizen for first time in teh campaign. Funny. And Duceppe goes
right to the Auditor-General's report.
7:05 Duceppe makes the point that it was the Opposition that forced the Public Works spending in 2008-2009
7:06 Honestly, I love Duceppe. Great, animated face. He makes Harper's voice waver when catching him on a small point that there was no stimulus plan in Jim Flaherty's economic statement 2 1/2 years ago.
7:10 If it was boxing, you'd have to give the round to Duceppe 10-9
7:11 Ignatieff fires on corporate tax cuts, waste of public money etc. Too scattershot. And you can tell Harper HATES Ignatieff. If they can get Harper angry, that might do it, like the V aliens unzipping their human skins.
7:12 Layton comes on calm, clear and focused. "You've become what you used to oppose" Great line. "Something's happened to you" "What happened to you?"
Harper: "There are no corporate tax cuts right now" Huh?
Early grades: Duceppe B, Iggy C, Harper B (hard to play under attack) Layton A
7:15 Harper makes no eye contact with either the other leaders or the camera. Bad move.
7:17 Iggy is awkward, no doubt about it. But Harper is in the position of defending fighter jet purchases. Layton handles the questioning much better.
7:18 Harper scores well by pointing out Canada has a 'balanced approach' in coming out of the recession. We don't, but it is an excellent calming point. He is sounding frustrated though.
7:20 I keep coming back to the eye thing. It's like Harper is talking to an invisible midget
Layton B+
Ignatieff C+
Duceppe C (strong early then faded)
Question Two On foreign affairs aka Canada goes to the fridge
7:25 Layton makes the push on bring the troops home now from Afghanistan. Iggy attacks Jack -
BIG STUPID MOVE! And why? Because Layton says to him, "Those are the same arguments Mr. Harper makes" Strange thing, but I always thought foreign policy would prove to be Ignatieff's weakness. then again, I've actually read his opinions. He is a hawk.
7:26 Layton is landing body blows all over Ignatieff over Liberal support of Tory policies. But Ignatieff opened himself up to it.
7:28 If the NDP don't get a 3-4% bounce out of tonight, then I don't know what they can do. This has been Jack Layton's finest hour.
7:32 Btw, housekeeping her. Hit
F5 to refresh if you didn't know.
7:35 Iggy interjects - "then release it"! On the Auditor-General's Report. Makes for a nice camera swerve and gives a sense of energy to Ignatieff who is floundering. he has a terrible whine to his voice. that smothers his points.
7:37 There too, when Harper puts on that whispery 'calm' voice he does sound like he's talking down to people. Perhaps the invisible midget?
7:38 Layton hits out at the Senate blocking an Environmental bill twice.
End Question Two:
Layton: A-
Harper: B
Ignatieff: C
Duceppe: C
Question Three: Governance One-on-one between Harper and Ignatieff
Ignatieff's Super Bowl, right here, right now.
7:45 Ignatieff - and it pains me to say it - is an actor struggling to remember his lines. Harper's getting his majority.
7:46 Or...Iggy's best moment on kicking people out of Tory rallies. harper's eyes have finally found the camera. And WTF!!?!! Harper opposing 'personal attacks'!?
7:46 Ignatieff finally woke up. "You stiffed Parliament Mr. Harper."
7:50 Duceppe looking a bit bored, wondering when cocktail hour's over. Decides to bring up the famous 2004 meeting that woulod have made Harper Prime Minister.
7:52 Harper flustered from the Layton-Duceppe tag team. "Look what you wrote" Duceppe repeats.
7:53 Iggy's body language is loosened up. He's MUCH better now.
7:56 Duceppe definitely bloodied Harper. There is another little quirk to Harper - when he lies he puts on "the sincere calm voice" And his interpretation of the 2004 meeting clearly is a lie.
Running Grade
Layton: AHarper: B-Ignatieff: C+Duceppe: B-
8:01 - A Layton cheap shot on Ignatieff's poor record of actually being in his seat. That is a cheap shot, you know.
Question Four: Immigration and Multiculturalism
I wonder if Ignatieff will bring up the attacks the Tories have made on his personal story?
One-on-one between Duceppe and Layton aka The Bronze Medal Game. I'm getting coffee...brb
8:07 - This does give Harper a breather and I wonder how many viewers have clicked over to American Idol?
8:10 - Iggy leads with his Dad emigrating from Russia. Points out Harper has cut settlement funding for new immigrants.
8:12 - Iggy very good in making the immigration issue personal.
8:14 Harper standing up to Duceppe over Bill 101 scores some easy points in the ROC
8:16 This is a cheap thing to say...but from certain angles Layton's makeup EXACTLY MATCHES the backdrop
8:17 Ignatieff does make a good point in talking about Equality over ethnic groupings pitted against one another. That will play well (to the 3% of the population who deeply care about this particular issue)
Running Grade
No change
Question Five: Justice
This will be Harper's red meat, grrr, build prisons issue
8:20 - Ignatieff leads with the gun registry! Nice. Gutsy. And saying 'don't learn from the Americans' always goes down nice and smooth.
8:22 - Iggy v. Duceppe again gives Harper a rest period. Not an issue where there is a real debate between the Liberals and Bloc though. Sense viewers switching off again. I guess that last question will be Health Care.
8:24 Duceppe mentions Freedom of Choice and the Tories removing it by a backdoor, private member's bill.
8:25 Ignatieff is right about the 'Politics of Fear' just isn't phrased in a way that has any great meaning.
Energy has left the room, as all four prepare for the final round.
8:30 Surprised no one brought up the Tory propsals on Internet surveillance, although in fairness I refilled my coffee so I may have missed something.
8:31 Jack gets audience response of OOOO-AHHHH "I don't know why we need more prisons when tyhe crooks are happy in the Senate" That was the first time I realized there
was an audience.
8:35 Ignatieff goes for gun control. I think this is a vote-getter and a good move. The red meat good ol' boys won't be for the Liberals anyway. Harper says most gun owners are in favour of gun control - not in my experience.
Running Grade:
Harper: BIgnatieff: B-Layton: BDuceppe: C+
End of Question Five
Question Six: Health care
Harper v. Layton
This is Canada's top priority according to the polls. Layton understandably waves the Tommy Douglas flag and boosts for more family doctors and home care
8:40 Harper again makes an odd promise for things to be done in 2014. Are they planning a 2 year vacation?
8:42 Jack Layton is re-energized, as he should be. This is the NDP home court.
8:43 Christ, I can't stand the Harper "soothing voice". I alone?
8:45 Harper dodges the privatization issue. Now the final, Final Four debate.
8:46 Ignatieff has the traditional Liberal position of, "if the provinces are going to take the cheque, Ottawa has a voice" He also makes an awkwardly phrased equation that money on G20, jets and prisons takes away from Health Care. There is something reminiscent of Trudeau in Iggy to the extent that PET was terrible when working from a script, but completely alive when he became spontaneous
8:50 Well, we're almost at the end. Harper had a very rough first half an hour but ultimately those who don't like him will have had their opinions vindicated and rinse and repeat for those who do like him. Layton landed the best shots and likely saved the NDP campaign. Duceppe can bank his 50 seats. And Ignatieff...well it would have been really, really interesting if a great debater like Bob Rae had been Liberal leader. I just don't find him to be a compelling figure. Can I 'envision' him as Prime Minister, yes. But can I see him raising the wave of mass energy needed to kick a government out of power? No.
Four more years.
Final post will be on the closing statements.
8:45 Gimlet-eyed. That's the metaphor I've looked for with Harper.
8:55 Layton's closing - Standard recitation of policies.
Duceppe's closing - See above. We want a country.
Ignatieff's Closing - Respect for democracy. Standard recitation of policies.
Harper's closing: Economy good, taxes bad.
barring jail time or Cabinet Ministers caught with sheep, Harper majority. Merde.