Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

Video Mahluk Misterius di Bawah Laut Terekam

Video Mahluk Misterius di Bawah Laut Terekam. Kehidupan dibawah laut masih menyimpan banyak misteri yang belum terungkapkan para ahli.

Para Ahli biologi kelautan merasa heran setelah melihat rekaman yang memperlihatkan mahluk bergerak-gerak seperti cairan atau kain tipis di bawah laut. Rekaman ini pun kemudian jadi populer di internet.

Para pengebor bawah laut merekam gambar ini

Julia Orayen Playboy girl wins politics debate (photos)

Mexico's first presidential debate gave viewers a lot more than they bargained for ... skin. Many weren't paying attention to the highly anticipated political debate, but rather the cleavage of curvaceous model Julia Orayen.
Orayen, donning a tight gown with a very large keyhole cut out of the chest, was only on the stage for about 30 seconds Sunday, but stole the whole show, according to the media and Twitter.
Julia Orayen was Playboy's playmate in the September 2008 edition of the magazine.  While her Playboy photos are bound to be more revealing than the dress she wore, she still caught many eyes.


Video Dan Foto Kota Paling Dingin Di Bumi-Oymyakon Rusia

Video Dan Foto Kota Paling Dingin Di Bumi-Oymyakon Rusia. Terbayang tidak bagaimana dinginnya sebuah kota sampai-sampai dijuluki dengan predikat kota terdingin dibumi.

Oymyakon adalah sebuah kota kecil yang terletak di utara-timur Rusia Republik Sakha (Yakutia). Kota ini kerap disebut sebagai kota paling dingin di Bumi.

Terletak di jantung kota Siberia, daerah ini dijuluki "Cincin

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Coretan Hitam Jatuhnya Pesawat Sukhoi Superjet 100 di Gunung Salak

Jatuhnya Pesawat Sukhoi Superjet100 di Gunung Salak menjadi berita yang paling hangat dikabarkan media masa akhir-akhir ini. Penelusuran kecelakaan Pesawat Sukhoi tersebut masih terus dilakukan, baik dari segi penyebab jatuhnya pesawat sukhoi maupun dari segi pencarian korban yang masih belum ditemukan. Nah berikut ini, aku akan memberikan opini yang tentunya agak nyelneh dan unik. So, harap

Talia Kristin Playboy naked brunette

Talia Kristin Bio
Measurements: 32DD-23-33
Height: 5’1″
Weight: 107 lbs
Birthday: May 16, 1989
School: Santiago Canyon College
Major: Business Marketing 

Suzanne Collins- The hunger games trilogy Grab free

Our heroine is Katniss Everdeen (lame name, cool kid), a resident of District 12, which used to be Appalachia. She lives in a desperately poor mining community called the Seam, and when her little sister's name is chosen as one of the contestants in the upcoming Hunger Games, Katniss volunteers to take her place. A gutsy decision, given the fact that District 12 hasn't produced a Hunger Games winner in 30 years or so, making them the Chicago Cubs of the postapocalypse world. Complicating her already desperate situation is her growing affection for the other District 12 contestant, a clueless baker's son named Peeta Mellark. Further complicating her situation is her sorta-crush on her 18-year-old hunting partner, Gale. Gale isn't clueless; Gale is smoldering. Says so right on page 14.
The love triangle is fairly standard teen-read stuff; what 16-year-old girl wouldn't like to have two interesting guys to choose from? The rest of The Hunger Games, however, is a violent, jarring speed-rap of a novel that generates nearly constant suspense and may also generate a fair amount of controversy. I couldn't stop reading, and once I got over the main character's name (Gale calls her Catnip — ugh), I got to like her a lot. And although ''young adult novel'' is a dumbbell term I put right up there with ''jumbo shrimp'' and ''airline food'' in the oxymoron sweepstakes, how many novels so categorized feature one character stung to death by monster wasps and another more or less eaten alive by mutant werewolves? I say more or less because Katniss, a bow-and-arrow Annie Oakley, puts the poor kid out of his misery before the werewolves can get to the prime cuts.

Foto-Foto Serpihan Pesawat Sukhoi Superjet-100

Foto-Foto Serpihan Pesawat Sukhoi Superjet-100. Memang sungguh sangat tragis Tragedi kejadian yang menimpa Pesawat Sukhoi Superjet-100.

Tim SAR dan wartawan berhasil mencapai lokasi kecelakaan pesawat Sukhoi Superjet 100, Jumat 11 Mei 2012.

Beberapa wartawan pun langsung mengabadikan pemandangan pertama saat tiba di sana.

Lokasi kecelakaan yang terletak di Puncak Gunung Salak, Bogor,