Senin, 07 Mei 2012
Foto Keith Martin Lelaki Tergemuk Di Dunia 368 Kilogram
Foto Keith Martin Lelaki Tergemuk Di Dunia 368 Kilogram. Seorang lelaki bernama Keith Martin (42) warga Inggris menjadi orang paling ‘subur’ di dunia.
Keith Martin menghabiskan 8 hotdog untuk sarapan di tiap harinya. Kini Keith Martin memiliki bobot sekitar 365 kilogram (58 stone).
Untuk tetap ‘hidup’ Keith Martin harus dirawat di rumah sakit setempat. ia membutuhkan 18 tenaga perawat
Implan Mata Bionik Solusi Sembuhkan Kebutaan
Implan Mata Bionik Solusi Sembuhkan Kebutaan. Kemajuan Teknologi sekarang-sekarang ini sudah sangat pesat perkembangannya, salahsatunya adalah hadirnya Implan Mata Bionik. Kini Implan Mata Bionik menjadi kenyataan dengan pemasangan mikrochip di belakang mata.
Implan mata bionik ini menggunakan microchip di belakang mata. Chris James, 54 tahun, asal Inggris, mendapat kesempatan pertama
Minggu, 06 Mei 2012
Film 'The Avengers' Rajai Box Office Pecahkan Rekor 'Harry Potter'
Film 'The Avengers' Rajai Box Office Pecahkan Rekor 'Harry Potter'. Film 'The Avengers' kisah Berkumpulnya tujuh superhero dalam satu film terbukti menjadi formula yang sukses untuk menarik perhatian.
Setelah bertubi-tubi memecahkan rekor, kini The Avengers kembali melakukannya di puncak box office Amerika Serikat.
"The Avengers" menjadi film terlaris sepanjang masa di minggu perdananya
Foto Kekasih Syahrini 'BUBU' Mesra Dengan Wanita Lain
Foto Kekasih Syahrini 'BUBU' Mesra Dengan Wanita Lain. Berita mengejutkan beredarnya Foto Kekasih Syahrini 'BUBU' Mesra Dengan Wanita Lain. Baru saja memperkenalkan kekasihnya ke publik, penyanyi Syahrini sudah tertimpa cobaan.
Baru-baru ini Blogspot Pemula sudah pernah posting Foto Bubu Pacar Rahasia Syahrini, keliling di dunia maya menemukan bahwa Di internet, sudah beredar foto mirip
Kecelakaan Maut Bus Pariwisata di Nongkojajar Pasuruan-PO Mutiara Murni
Kecelakaan Maut Bus Pariwisata di Nongkojajar Pasuruan-PO Mutiara Murni. Lagi-lagi Kecelakaan bus kembali terjadi. Kini menimpa sebuah bus pariwisata yang terguling di kawasan Nongkojajar, Pasuruan.
Akibat kecelakaan bus milik PO Mutiara Murni nopol B 7076 PV di Desa Ngembal Kecamatan Tutur Kabupaten Pasuruan, itu 7 orang tewas.
Nama Korban yang tewas :
Imam Wahyudi (58)
Dani (29)
Isi Buku 'Allah, Liberty,and Love' Karya Irshad Manji
Isi Buku 'Allah, Liberty,and Love' Karya Irshad Manji. Apa sebenarnya isi buku 'Allah, Liberty,and Love' Karya Irshad Manji sehingga pada acara pembedahan buku ini yang dilakukan pada 4 Mei 2012 kemarin harus dibubarkan oleh pihak aparat keamanan?
Anis Maftuhin, menyatakan Isi Buku 'Allah, Liberty,and Love' Karya Irshad Manji menceritakan tentang keresahan muslimah di seluruh dunia.
Music Review: Erin Junkala
Music review:
Live at Ruby Moon, (Thunder Bay, Ontario) Saturday May 5, 2012
Now that was an enjoyable evening. I say that with no small degree of relief. Unless one is a complete troll whose bridge was stolen, it's only proper to hope that the first review written for a new employer is positive. Oh it's positive all right.
The greatest pleasure in reviewing is encountering a fresh young artist and being thrilled. Erin Junkala is a delight to the ears. Quite skilled on the guitar, it was refreshing to hear just the instrument, her voice and a selection of songs that she made her own. She didn't do so by over-dressing the salad with a lot of vocal whiz-bangery, but just letting her loose-limbed charm and gloriously charming smile translate the words and music into something fresh.
I've always hated the, 'So who's she like?' question, although that is the one most asked. Well as you insist, if my feet and hands were put to the fire and keyboard respectively (it wouldn't work well otherwise), I'd describe her as the love child Neil Young and Joni Mitchell never had. She has Joni's swing phrasing even on rigorous folk standards like Blowin' in the Wind; while her set really took off when she covered Young's The Needle and the Damage Done. The atmosphere was truly campfire good times joyous when she completed her solo set with The Beatles' I've Just Seen a Face.
It was truly lovely. The prime rib meal was ripe, juicy and satisfying; while Ruby Moon is a grand club for relaxation and entertainment. I'll be back. Oh, I'll be back.
To hear this talented singer you can connect to her SoundCloud page Here: junkala/harvest-moon-cover
Live at Ruby Moon, (Thunder Bay, Ontario) Saturday May 5, 2012
Now that was an enjoyable evening. I say that with no small degree of relief. Unless one is a complete troll whose bridge was stolen, it's only proper to hope that the first review written for a new employer is positive. Oh it's positive all right.
The greatest pleasure in reviewing is encountering a fresh young artist and being thrilled. Erin Junkala is a delight to the ears. Quite skilled on the guitar, it was refreshing to hear just the instrument, her voice and a selection of songs that she made her own. She didn't do so by over-dressing the salad with a lot of vocal whiz-bangery, but just letting her loose-limbed charm and gloriously charming smile translate the words and music into something fresh.
I've always hated the, 'So who's she like?' question, although that is the one most asked. Well as you insist, if my feet and hands were put to the fire and keyboard respectively (it wouldn't work well otherwise), I'd describe her as the love child Neil Young and Joni Mitchell never had. She has Joni's swing phrasing even on rigorous folk standards like Blowin' in the Wind; while her set really took off when she covered Young's The Needle and the Damage Done. The atmosphere was truly campfire good times joyous when she completed her solo set with The Beatles' I've Just Seen a Face.
It was truly lovely. The prime rib meal was ripe, juicy and satisfying; while Ruby Moon is a grand club for relaxation and entertainment. I'll be back. Oh, I'll be back.
To hear this talented singer you can connect to her SoundCloud page Here:
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