Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

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Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

The Third Lesson of Pierre Juneau

The Third Lesson of Pierre Juneau

Inside Television 592
Publication Date: 2-24-12
By: Hubert O’Hearn

I didn’t know that the Juno Awards for achievements in Canadian music were named for him. That small addition to the wardrobe full of trivia that is stuffed into my brain led me to spend several increasingly impressed and admiring hours reading about the career of Pierre Juneau, who passed away this week at the age of 89. You too may have already read or seen one of the many obituaries which appeared this week, however there is still room to draw meaning from a life well led.

To be strictly honest, it’s easy work. Every stage of his life bears a story and a suggestion for the future. I doubt if Juneau’s life will ever be turned into a movie of the week - too many board rooms and memos, not enough leaping out of planes and hot affairs. Somewhere though, there is a biography writer who will turn out one hell of a great book. Within that book, there will be three essential lessons that bear close attention.

LESSON ONE: Choose Your Friends Well

There was no silver spoon feeding the infant Juneau his pablum. He was born to a working class family in Verdun, Quebec. Verdun, for those who don’t know it, is where people who work in Montreal live when they don’t make enough to live in Montreal. It’s the sort of place that used to be the meat and drunk of the Liberal Party: Federalist, blue-collar, and French.

Pierre Juneau rose above his birth station, shall we say, and went on to study at the Université de Montreal which was quite a hotbed of forward thinking among Canadian campuses at the time. Virtually every post-World War Two Premier of Quebec except Rene Levesque and Jean Charest graduated from it. So stimulated, Juneau did post-graduate work at the University of Paris where he befriended a U de M Old Boy named Pierre Trudeau.

They were very much the perfect duo, with Juneau the McCartney to Trudeau’s Lennon, or more whimsically the Leo Bloom to Max Bialystock. Someone needs to take care of the details and that was Juneau. He and Trudeau were co-founders of Cité Libre, for which one can make a pretty good argument was the most significant political journal in the history of this country (it’s a depressingly small list by the way). They fought the breathtakingly corrupt government of Maurice Duplessis, one sustained by a combination of a benevolent eye cast by the Catholic Church and wheelbarrows of graft. Cité Libre also fought for unions against corporatism, most notably its coverage of the legendary Asbestos Strike led by a young firebrand named Jean Marchand.

When the Liberal Party came calling in the early 60s, it dearly wanted Jean Marchand, a suave intellectual named Gerard Pelletier and because those two insisted on the third, it reluctantly took in Trudeau. Liberals like to forget about that bit of history.

Leaping ahead, Juneau became the head of the CRTC, as formed by the now Prime Minister Trudeau in his first year of power, 1968. And this is the second great lesson.

LESSON TWO: Culture Matters

Everything Juneau did was born out of the same philosophy that Trudeau held and that entire group of Canadian reformers of the 1960s held - you can change a country as much by its culture as by its laws. In ordering Canadian radio to start playing Canadian music, pronto and not just during the 3AM stoner deejay shift he created a national recording industry. The Juno was named in tribute in 1971; just three years into the job, he was loved that quickly.

Without him, No her

Later, at the tail end of the Trudeau years, Juneau became head of the CBC. The immediate task was to make all CBC programming 95% Canadian. And because he saw that a sizable and growing portion of the country was tuning in to CNN, he created Newsworld (sic). We would no longer be America Lite.

Is this the time, place and occasion to state that the country was better then, when it found its identity in providing opportunities for young people to demonstrate their love for this country through arts and culture rather than mixing their blood with the sand of distant wars? Perhaps not, but for my money that is the Third Lesson of Pierre Juneau. À Dieu.

Be seeing you.

Farah Quinn Dicekal Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia, Enggan Tanggapi Masalah Teguran KPI

Pembawa Acara kuliner yang disiarkan oleh TransTV Farah Quinn dicekal Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI). Video Hot Farah Quinn tersebut, sangat terlihat jelas, Farah Quinn memamerkan Belahan Dada nya. Siaran ‘Ala Chef Farah Quinn’ edisi 5 Februari 2012, pukul 10:00 WIB tersebut mendapatkan teguran dari KPI.

Imbauan tertulis dari KPI itu sendiri bernomor 81/K/KPI/02/12 yang dikeluarkan 14

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

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Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Menakertrans Muhaimin Iskandar Bantah Dakwaan JPU - Kasus Suap di Kemenakertrans

Bantahan terjadi (Senin 20/02/2012), Muhaimin Iskandar duduk di kursi pesakitan sebagai saksi di Pengadilan Tipikor Jakarta. Ketua Umum Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa itu, menjadi saksi dalam Kasus Suap Dana Percepatan Infrastruktur Daerah (PPID) kawasan transmigrasi. Dalam kesaksian itu, Muhaimin mengakui jika kementerian yang dia pimpin tidak paham dengan proyek ini.

"Apakah saudara pernah

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Jeremy Lin = Hope

The Jeremy Lin Column
For: Le Herald de Paris
By: Chuck Balls

Jeremy Lin. I’m surprised you made it this far. In my entire life’s history of sports - one that begins with the Cardinals v. Red Sox World Series of 1967 with Bobby and Ted Kennedy watching from Fenway in the coolest Ray-Bans in the history of Ray-Bans - I’ve never seen anything like the Jeremy Lin phenomenon. Who compares to Lin-Mania? In baseball, the closest I can think of is Vida Blue or Mark ‘the Bird’ Fidrych, In hockey, only the great Montreal Canadiens’ goaltender of the 1970s Ken Dryden comes to mind and even then the Canadiens under their General Manager Sam Pollock were a shrewd outfit, so how bad could a Cornell University grad be as a back-up to Rogatien Vachon?

Basketball...basketball like football bears no surprises. Both are scouted to the point of plastic bag over the head suffocation. Who would one truly pick as a surprise star in football? Joe Montana or Tom Brady? One was the quarterback at Notre Dame (when the Irish were still good) and the other at Michigan (when the Wolverines were still good). That they didn’t freeze at the line and let loose a slowly rolling line of drool on their center’s butt really should not have come as a shock.

Nor should Tebow, who is the closest thing to the beatification of Jeremy Lin. Tim Tebow was and is a highly scouted and borderline highly-rated quarterback from the football factory that is the University of Florida. There was debate over whether Tebow, with a  throwing motion that resembles a grown man tossing his first paper airplane since childhood, could make it as an NFL quarterback. The existence of the debate indicates that the positive outcome is not entirely unexpected.

There really is no way of describing the Lin Phenomenon in anything other than hyperbolic terms. A player whose public consciousness was non-existent at the start of the shortest month of the year who is its biggest star by the end is unique. Unique means something. Is there an etching of the zeitgeist in the world of Jeremy Lin?

Jeremy Lin rolls to the hole...

I suspect there is. Hell, that’s why I’m writing this story. At rock bottom line, the fame of Jeremy Lin - profession: point guard, New York Knickerbockers - is a triumph of man over machine and it couldn’t have come at a better time. We live in a time where we are told that this must be bailed out, that a minimum wage must be slashed, that pensions must be revisited, that this country or another must be bombed because,,,well that’s what we’ve been told, Now whether one’s taxes are less than a billionaire’s, investments vanished like a summer candle or your son is suddenly on a frontline, you have some doubts. You wonder whether there is some alternate vision of the world, one where the experts are Wrong. To paraphrase Paul Simon, Where have you done Jeremy Lin/A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.

Jeremy Lin graduated from Harvard. Harvard. The school where smart people go. I could Google search and perhaps find another pro athlete who came from Harvard, and there may be one, but that would deny the uniqueness of the moment. It’s Harvard. No one scouts Harvard unless they have press box seats for the Pats the following night.(BTW, I did Google this - the next most famous Harvard Crimson alum athlete is Baltimore Ravens’ center Matt Birk. Oh.)

We need to know that smart people are wrong sometimes, otherwise what is the point of democracy? Whether Jeremy Lin goes on to a Hall of Fame career with two rings like Walt ‘Clyde’ Frazier is beside the point. If he loses his jump shot and makes 12 turnovers a game starting tomorrow is bedside the point. He reminded us that you can beat the odds, beat the scouts and beat the experts. God love him.

Foto Angeline Sondakh Pakai BlackBerry 2009 Punya Gaya Hidup Boros

Pasca sidang di pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Jakarta Rabu (15/2/2012) Saksi Kasus Suap Wisma Atlet SEA Games Angelina Sondakh terus menuai hujatan dari pihak lawan. Setelah sebelumnya, pengacara Nazaruddin, Elza Syarief, mengungkapkan rencana cerai Angie dengan mendiang suaminya, Adjie Massaid,

"Satu di antara penyebab yang sering memicu pertengkaran dengan Adjie Massaid, adalah gaya