Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Donald Trump and Comedy Politics

Donald Trump and Comedy Politics

Inside Television 582
Publication Date: 12-9-11
By: Hubert O’Hearn
For: The Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal

You’ll have to excuse me if I make several typos over the next few sentences. I just spritzed coffee onto the computer monitor when I read something that I am absolutely delighted to share with you. I’d started to write this column when the email announced that my morning newsfeed from Mediabistro had come in. The lead story, which we’ll get to in a minute as it was my planned topic anyway, was on Donald Trump hosting a Republican presidential contenders’ debate on December 27th.

The second story linked to Jimmy Fallon profusely apologizing for the song his band had played in introducing Republican presidential pretender, er contender (I warned you about typos) Michelle Bachmann when she made a guest appearance on his talk show this past Tuesday. The story was about the apology, except it didn’t mention the song. So, following another link I finally found it. The Congresswoman had been ushered in to the tuneful sounds of that underground 1985 Fishbone classic titled...Lyin’ Ass Bitch.

Good times! The Bachmann camp - and the words ‘Bachmann’ and ‘camp’ go together in oh so many ways - huffily rebutted that there was no way Fallon’s band would have introduced Michelle Obama that way! No, of course not. Michelle Obama can get on Leno or Letterman; why would she bother with Jimmy Fallon?

Assuming we all somehow get through this, someone is going to release a straight documentary of this still-young presidential election cycle and have the highest-grossing comedy in the history of motion pictures. Somehow the United States of America has been turned into Groucho Marx’s Freedonia in Duck Soup. 

Any resemblance between Harpo's hair and Donald Trump's
is non-existent yet hilarious to imagine

I’m not sure how much of this space is going to be devoted to the 2012 election. 2008 was an outstanding contest, full of high contrast and drama, culminating (in retrospect) with the election of the finest mainstream Republican to occupy, er, live in the White House since Gerald R. Ford - Barack Obama. You prove me wrong on that observation and I’ll not only shake your hand, I’ll give it a manicure too.

2012 would have me in stitches were it not for the gathering storm that is the world today. A short list: climate change, the growing imbalance between rich and poor, 1 out of 7 Americans on food stamps, war in Afghanistan, a coming war with Iran, the loss of habeus corpus rights, oh and most of Europe is wandering around envying the wealth of church mice while Germany has figured out that it is much easier to conquer a continent with bankers and accountants than Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe. I could go on, but I wouldn’t want to run the local drug stores out of arsenic.

One would think that this would be the time of crisis which would bring forth the Washingtons, Lincolns or modern-day Roosevelts to restore America. Instead, the party of Eisenhower has brought out a parade of wisenheimers, an elephant’s parade of men and woman united by great hair and dim brains. And into this mix comes Donald Trump as a debate moderator. Trump, as I have fondly told people over the years, is actually the poorest man in the United States, given the massive leveraging behind his vulgarian real estate holdings. I guess this is how Republicans look to appeal to the 99%. Trump is also the man whose own presidential ambitions went ker-splat over his idiotic belief that Barack Obama was not native-born.

I strongly encourage you to tune in on December 27th, if you can find something called the Ion Channel on-line if not in your home. After all, you’ll be looking for an excuse to decant that bottle of Bell’s you filched from the office Christmas party. Now’s your chance. When the family rises on the morning of the 28th to find you sopping wet and passed out in the barcalounger just tell them you were weeping for the future. They’ll understand. Oh brother, will they understand.

Be seeing you.

(Enjoy this? First, sharing is encouraging. Second, clicking on ads is welcomed. Third, look up the author's book reviews at By the Book Reviews. Happy Christmas to all!)

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Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Pengetahuan Dasar Tentang SEO

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Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Transportasi Masa Depan Multicopter

Kali ini Blogspot Pemula Posting Artikel Transportasi Masa Depan Multicopter, ingin tahu seperti apa itu Multicopter simak ceritanya dibawah ini.

Pengembangan alat transportasi masa depan terus dilakukan. Salah satunya adalah pembuatan multicopter oleh perusahaan asal Jerman, e-volvo.

Sebagaimana dilaporkan oleh lama Reuters, multicopter adalah kendaraan yang bisa terbang dengan digerakkan

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

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Senin, 28 November 2011

Cara Membuat Efek Shadow Pada Kotak dan Gambar

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1. Efek Shadow

Minggu, 27 November 2011

Terima Kasih Bapak Jusuf Kalla "Komodo New7Wonders "

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Satu lagi gebrakan Promosi yang berhasil yang di motori Oleh Bapak Kita Yang Terhormat "Jusuf Kalla". Memang kita tidak bisa pungkiri sudah sangat banyak Jasa dan Prestasi Bapak Bangsa