Inside Television 561
Publication date: 7-8-11
By: Hubert O’Hearn
Two observations leading to the test of a hypothesis. The first is that I truly believe people like being fooled. I suspect this is why so few card cheats or scam artists are either shot or charged. Knowing that someone else is moving at a Zen level of consciousness so far above our own that they can play us like fiddles or fools leads to a begrudging admiration.
For instance, the old gag where an elderly relative points a bony digit at a child and says, ‘Pull my finger’ before fumigating the upholstery has been greeted with laughter rather than disgust since time immemorial - or since the first Brussel Sprout was eaten, take your pick. Similarly, my dear friend Paul Ruebsam aka children’s magician Martin Wonderland was telling me that he showed a couple of full-grown adults two very basic tricks and they were squealing with delight and awe. Now Paul’s good at what he does - he can make a tray of nuts vanish faster than you can say pistachio - but really when was the last time you were really fooled by a magic trick? Yet, we all play into it. People take entertainment value from being fooled.
Second observation: From my seemingly incongruous enjoyment of professional wrestling I have learnt a great truth about television. I’ve said this before but it bears repeating: Everything on television is a ‘work’. Everything shown is designed to invoke some form of visceral response that ultimately will make you buy something: a pay-per-view, a new phone, or an idea. Everything is a work; there are no exceptions.
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Mitt Romney prepares for the long campaign ahead... |
The natural evolution of pull my finger mixed with wrestling is Mitt Romney. I would bet the mortgage on the farm that Romney gets the U.S. Republican nomination to run against Obama in 2012. (Actually, I don’t have a farm, so I’ll bet the mortgage on your farm. That way if we win, we both win ;and if we lose, I don’t lose. Deal?) The Republicans since 1948 have always nominated the natural heir apparent. No upsets.
But for a while this week, it appeared that Romney had blown it when he said of Obama, ‘I’m going to hang him by his neck.’ In case you haven’t noticed, Barack Obama is black. In case you haven’t read, black people used to be lynched and hung by the neck. For maybe 30 seconds, I thought the former Massachusetts Governor Romney might have blown the nomination. So did most of the American news media. Then I remembered my two observations.
When is a faux pas not a faux pas? When it’s planned. When it’s called in wrestling terms a ‘worked shoot’. A worked shoot is something that appears real, that seemingly goes against the script, the unguarded moment. Romney making this quote enquote blunder forced a tidal wave of anger from the so-called left wing of mainstream media, followed by the usual backtrackings and apologies from the Romney camp.
I don’t believe a bit of it. My theory is that Romney said the line in order to make the apology. The original line will have gone over great with the weird and loopy wing of the GOP. It makes Romney, who had come across as a bit of a wet in Thatcherite terms, much more palatable to those who are themselves unpalatable. Similarly, the media anger plays well with the frothing dogs who think all mainstream media is evil and out of touch. But really, Romney’s moment allowed for multiple explanations and images of Mitt Romney being Not Racist. Go to church, play with the kids, pat the dog - it had to be a slip of the tongue, because look at what a nice guy Mitt is.
Of course if my hypothesis is correct, you might think that I am saying that the Romney campaign is making cynical , manipulative and subversive propaganda into a main strategy. To which I reply: Exacly my point.
Be seeing you.