Rabu, 29 Februari 2012
Bahrain Cukur Timnas Indonesia 10-0, Kontroversi Wasit
Kita harus akui Bahrain lebih baik dari garuda muda. Kita masih butuh banyak waktu lagi untuk memperbaiki diri. Yang penting tetap semangat dan jangan minder dengan hasil 10-0. Admin Blogspot Pemula kecewa menyaksikan Timnas dicukur habis.
Tapi memang tidak bisa dipungkiri kinerja wasit jelek sekali. Penalti sampai 4 kali padahal jelas kedua dari pelanggaran itu diving, kartu merah di awal
Cara Menampilkan Iklan Tepat Disamping Kotak Komentar Blogspot
Para pemirsa yang budiman, mau pidato atau mau posting Artikel? Sory lagi ngelamun. Share Cara Menampilkan Iklan Tepat Disamping Kotak Komentar Blogspot, karena google ads Blogspot Pemula ada sedikit masalah, kami pasang iklan pada blog ini dari AdsenseCamp, ada satu iklan yang kami tempatkan tepat disamping kotak komentar, yah tujuannya sih yah pada tahu dah.
Oh ya sekedar mengingatkan,
Harper Agonistes
Harper Agonistes
Inside Television 593
Publication Date: 3-2-12
By: Hubert O'Hearn
For me it was the piano. It was the sight of him at the piano, playing old Beatle songs in a clip that was introduced by shiny-toothed smiling news anchors on every newscast in the country. Yes, that started to bring back the memories and made me realize with increasing shock and horror that the memories weren’t just memories. They were warning signs, clues left by history to warn us of a monster that was waiting to be re-born.
Richard Nixon loved to play the piano at parties. The instrument suited him. Even while trying to be warm and happy and good old Dick, he made sure to keep a massive block of furniture between himself and the world. For in his heart he knew that he was hated, or at least less loved than his old Senate colleague Jack Kennedy. So very well. If you will not give me your love, you will at least fear my power. As soon as I saw Stephen Harper start to thunk out the tunes, I knew. Canada was being run by a man who would heartily rip apart every piece of the soft-spoken national identity like a lynx at the throat of a rabbit.
Harsh words and not pleasant to read. I can’t apologize. These are hard times and they’re going to get harsher. I’ll explain in a moment, but first and for those too young to remember Nixon or shocked that I have described a currently sitting Prime Minister in such terms, I’d like you to read a quote. This is from the late Hunter S. Thompson’s obituary of Nixon in Rolling Stone, from 1994:
Some people will say that words like scum and rotten are wrong for Objective Journalism -- which is true, but they miss the point. It was the built-in blind spots of the Objective rules and dogma that allowed Nixon to slither into the White House in the first place. He looked so good on paper that you could almost vote for him sight unseen. He seemed so all-American, so much like Horatio Alger, that he was able to slip through the cracks of Objective Journalism. You had to get Subjective to see Nixon clearly, and the shock of recognition was often painful.
There is a strange parallel between Watergate and the Robocall Scandal. Both could only be organized by the truly paranoid and that is its most fearsome aspect. Nixon never needed to have his Plumbers break into the Democratic National Committee offices in order to defeat George McGovern. As good a man as McGovern was, Americans hadn’t voted out a sitting President for forty years and they weren’t about to start. Similarly, Harper was destined for his majority. The rise of the NDP had come a week too late and the demise of the Liberal Party a week too soon. The jig was up. The man who saw that Conservative begins with Con and thought that was a fine idea was going to get his majority. Both Watergate and Robocall were a waste of time. If it wasn’t so terrifying, it would be comic.
Watergate was, I think, the greatest television series of my life. Nixon had a fall guy, just as Harper has this poor bastard in Guelph. You could have a good parlour game argument over whose choice was uglier - Harper for blaming it all on some 26 year old office hack; or Nixon for trying to make his former White House Attorney John Dean the patsy. But John Dean sang better than two centuries’ worth of La Scala tenors and the events played out every day and every night until that August day in 1974 when Nixon finally waved goodbye on the steps of a helicopter parked on the White House lawn. All the soap operas were put on hiatus in the summer of 1973 so that all the US broadcast networks could air the complete Senate hearings led by a rolypoly ex-segregationist named Sam Ervin.
That to me is the troubling part. Will Robocall become the on-going television news event its importance deserves? I live in hope, otherwise why hope to live? And yet. We know that employees of Responsive Marketing Group right here in my awkward home city of Thunder Bay saw that what they were doing on Election Day was wrong. They reported it to their Supervisor. Nothing happened. They reported it to the RCMP. Nothing happened. It haunts me that the natural progression is that they reported it ti the media and...nothing happened until now.
Any reporter who was given this story and did not write or broadcast it should immediately retire to a life of scrawling out the lunch menu on the chalkboard at Big Sam’s Grease n’ Eggs. Any editor who spiked the story should be hauled off screaming to the abattoir from where to meet his fate. If Canadian media still has a spine it can stiffen - now’s the time, brother. Now’s the time.
Inside Television 593
Publication Date: 3-2-12
By: Hubert O'Hearn
For me it was the piano. It was the sight of him at the piano, playing old Beatle songs in a clip that was introduced by shiny-toothed smiling news anchors on every newscast in the country. Yes, that started to bring back the memories and made me realize with increasing shock and horror that the memories weren’t just memories. They were warning signs, clues left by history to warn us of a monster that was waiting to be re-born.
Richard Nixon loved to play the piano at parties. The instrument suited him. Even while trying to be warm and happy and good old Dick, he made sure to keep a massive block of furniture between himself and the world. For in his heart he knew that he was hated, or at least less loved than his old Senate colleague Jack Kennedy. So very well. If you will not give me your love, you will at least fear my power. As soon as I saw Stephen Harper start to thunk out the tunes, I knew. Canada was being run by a man who would heartily rip apart every piece of the soft-spoken national identity like a lynx at the throat of a rabbit.
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And a one ... |
Harsh words and not pleasant to read. I can’t apologize. These are hard times and they’re going to get harsher. I’ll explain in a moment, but first and for those too young to remember Nixon or shocked that I have described a currently sitting Prime Minister in such terms, I’d like you to read a quote. This is from the late Hunter S. Thompson’s obituary of Nixon in Rolling Stone, from 1994:
Some people will say that words like scum and rotten are wrong for Objective Journalism -- which is true, but they miss the point. It was the built-in blind spots of the Objective rules and dogma that allowed Nixon to slither into the White House in the first place. He looked so good on paper that you could almost vote for him sight unseen. He seemed so all-American, so much like Horatio Alger, that he was able to slip through the cracks of Objective Journalism. You had to get Subjective to see Nixon clearly, and the shock of recognition was often painful.
There is a strange parallel between Watergate and the Robocall Scandal. Both could only be organized by the truly paranoid and that is its most fearsome aspect. Nixon never needed to have his Plumbers break into the Democratic National Committee offices in order to defeat George McGovern. As good a man as McGovern was, Americans hadn’t voted out a sitting President for forty years and they weren’t about to start. Similarly, Harper was destined for his majority. The rise of the NDP had come a week too late and the demise of the Liberal Party a week too soon. The jig was up. The man who saw that Conservative begins with Con and thought that was a fine idea was going to get his majority. Both Watergate and Robocall were a waste of time. If it wasn’t so terrifying, it would be comic.
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and a two... |
Watergate was, I think, the greatest television series of my life. Nixon had a fall guy, just as Harper has this poor bastard in Guelph. You could have a good parlour game argument over whose choice was uglier - Harper for blaming it all on some 26 year old office hack; or Nixon for trying to make his former White House Attorney John Dean the patsy. But John Dean sang better than two centuries’ worth of La Scala tenors and the events played out every day and every night until that August day in 1974 when Nixon finally waved goodbye on the steps of a helicopter parked on the White House lawn. All the soap operas were put on hiatus in the summer of 1973 so that all the US broadcast networks could air the complete Senate hearings led by a rolypoly ex-segregationist named Sam Ervin.
That to me is the troubling part. Will Robocall become the on-going television news event its importance deserves? I live in hope, otherwise why hope to live? And yet. We know that employees of Responsive Marketing Group right here in my awkward home city of Thunder Bay saw that what they were doing on Election Day was wrong. They reported it to their Supervisor. Nothing happened. They reported it to the RCMP. Nothing happened. It haunts me that the natural progression is that they reported it ti the media and...nothing happened until now.
Any reporter who was given this story and did not write or broadcast it should immediately retire to a life of scrawling out the lunch menu on the chalkboard at Big Sam’s Grease n’ Eggs. Any editor who spiked the story should be hauled off screaming to the abattoir from where to meet his fate. If Canadian media still has a spine it can stiffen - now’s the time, brother. Now’s the time.
Selasa, 28 Februari 2012
Tanggapan Admin Blogspot Pemula Tutorial Optimasi Blogspot
Apa kabar sahabat Ku Semua, kali ini kami coba Up-date postingan berjudul Tanggapan Admin Blogspot Pemula Tutorial Optimasi Blogspot. Artikel ini sengaja kami buat untuk menanggapai beberapa teman blogger yang sudah merasa Master dalam Hal Optimasi SEO Blogspot.
Beberapa saat yang lalu kami menerima beberapa comment dari seorang blogger mengenai postingan yang ada di Blogspot Pemula ini.
Senin, 27 Februari 2012
Hasil Uji Emisi Mobil Esemka Rajawali Berjalan Mulus
Sebelum artikel ini kami publikasikan Admin Blogspot Pemula sempat terhenyak menyimak beberapa artikel yang beredar di Internet perihal ke Absahan dari Mobil Esemka Rajawali.
Ada batasan toleransi persentasi komponen yang digunakan pada Mobil Esemka Rajawali, dan ini semuanya masih Sangat Kontroversial tentang keabsahannya sebagai mobil Nasional.
Setelah proses pendinginan yang
Minggu, 26 Februari 2012
KPK Segera Tahan Angelina Sondakh Setelah Berkas Rampung
Angelina Sondakh yang akrab disapa dengan nama Angie telah dinonaktifkan sebagai Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Partai Demokrat karena menjadi tersangka kasus Kasus Suap Wisma Atlet SEA Games. Namun, ia masih menjadi anggota Komisi X Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR)
Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), Abraham Samad menjelaskan soal perjanjian KPK dalam penahanan tersangka
Foto Kirana Larasati Topless Beredar di Internet
Heboh lagi Dunia Maya dengan beredarnya Foto yang mirip Kirana Larasati Topless. Beberapa waktu lalu berita tentang teguran KPI kepada Farah Quinn karena pakaiannya dinilai terlalu vulgar sempat membuat ramai media ditambah lagi dengan Foto Bripda Saeful Bahri (kalau ini sih positif).
Tapi kali ini benar atau tidaknya berita tersebut sampai kini Admin Blogspot Pemula belum mendengar
Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012
Daftar Team Dan Drivers Serta Schedule Seri F1 2012
Admin Blogspot Pemula sangat suka menonton Aksi Formula1 disamping ajang MotoGP tentunya. Share Daftar Team Dan Drivers Serta Schedule Seri F1 2012 ini paling tidak bisa mengingatkan kami supaya tidak ketinggalan dalam menyaksikan untuk seri F1 2012.
Federasi Otomotif Internasional (FIA) merilis daftar tim dan para pembalap yang siap berlaga di GP Formula 1 musim 2012. Masing-masing tim
Cara Menampilkan Widget Hanya Tampil Di Homepage
Kebutuhan untuk suatu Trik pada blog sepertinya tidak ada habis-habisnya. Trik Cara Menampilkan Widget Tampil Di Homepage ini dapat kita terapkan sesuai kebutuhan pada blog.
Blogspot Pemula menerapkan ini pada sebuah blog kami yang hanya menampilkan satu artikel saja pada homepage nya kemudian dibawahnya ada artikel Postingan terbaru, nah untuk artikel postingan terbaru tersebut hanya
Jumat, 24 Februari 2012
Kota Sejuta Senyuman
Pagi buta yang mendebarkan
Berlari secepatnya
Memacu mesin sekencangnya
Setia mengalir bersama kereta api lengkap dengan kepengapannya
300km, 6 jam, bukan jarak dan waktu yang singkat
Tapi terasa sangat dekat dan cepat
Hanya senyum manis yang menyapa
Dibalut suasana hangat yang menentramkan jiwa
Sungguh penyambutan yang tak meriah
Namun selalu membuatku terpesona
Tak yakin
Imajiner Doa
Doa yang kupanjatkan ketika aku masih gadis:
Ya Allah beri aku calon suami yang baik, yang sholih. Beri aku suami yang dapat kujadikan imam dalam keluargaku
Doa yang kupanjatkan ketika selesai menikah:
Ya Allah beri aku anak yang sholih dan sholihah, agar mereka dapat
mendoakanku ketika nanti aku mati dan menjadi salah satu amalanku yang
tidak pernah putus
Doa yang kupanjatkan ketika
Kamis, 23 Februari 2012
Validasi Serta Edit Template Blogspot - Seo Friendly V2
Postingan kali ini adalah lanjutan dari artikel Menjadikan Template Blogspot Pemula SEO Friendly, artikel ini kami rangkum kembali menjadi satu untuk mempermudah para sahabat blogger dalam membuat templatenya SEO Friendly.
Sebelumnya kami mohon maaf artikel ini kami angkat bukan untuk menggurui Para Master, tapi hanya sekedar share buat para teman yang membutuhkannya terutama ada permintaan
Foto Bripda Saeful Bahri Trending Topic Twitter - Ngefans Sherina
Situs Media memang cukup ampuh bisa mendongkrak popularitas seseorang, belakangan ini seorang Bripda dengan nama Saeful Bahri masuk dalam daftar trending topic di Indonesia. Komentar dan retweet seputar Polteng jebolan pesantren itu ternyata masih begitu hangat dibicarakan.
Seorang anggota polisi tersebut bernama Saeful Bahri, menurut informasi yang didapat Oleh Admin Blogspot Pemula dia
Rabu, 22 Februari 2012
The Third Lesson of Pierre Juneau
The Third Lesson of Pierre Juneau
Inside Television 592
Publication Date: 2-24-12
By: Hubert O’Hearn
I didn’t know that the Juno Awards for achievements in Canadian music were named for him. That small addition to the wardrobe full of trivia that is stuffed into my brain led me to spend several increasingly impressed and admiring hours reading about the career of Pierre Juneau, who passed away this week at the age of 89. You too may have already read or seen one of the many obituaries which appeared this week, however there is still room to draw meaning from a life well led.
To be strictly honest, it’s easy work. Every stage of his life bears a story and a suggestion for the future. I doubt if Juneau’s life will ever be turned into a movie of the week - too many board rooms and memos, not enough leaping out of planes and hot affairs. Somewhere though, there is a biography writer who will turn out one hell of a great book. Within that book, there will be three essential lessons that bear close attention.
LESSON ONE: Choose Your Friends Well
There was no silver spoon feeding the infant Juneau his pablum. He was born to a working class family in Verdun, Quebec. Verdun, for those who don’t know it, is where people who work in Montreal live when they don’t make enough to live in Montreal. It’s the sort of place that used to be the meat and drunk of the Liberal Party: Federalist, blue-collar, and French.
Pierre Juneau rose above his birth station, shall we say, and went on to study at the Université de Montreal which was quite a hotbed of forward thinking among Canadian campuses at the time. Virtually every post-World War Two Premier of Quebec except Rene Levesque and Jean Charest graduated from it. So stimulated, Juneau did post-graduate work at the University of Paris where he befriended a U de M Old Boy named Pierre Trudeau.
They were very much the perfect duo, with Juneau the McCartney to Trudeau’s Lennon, or more whimsically the Leo Bloom to Max Bialystock. Someone needs to take care of the details and that was Juneau. He and Trudeau were co-founders of Cité Libre, for which one can make a pretty good argument was the most significant political journal in the history of this country (it’s a depressingly small list by the way). They fought the breathtakingly corrupt government of Maurice Duplessis, one sustained by a combination of a benevolent eye cast by the Catholic Church and wheelbarrows of graft. Cité Libre also fought for unions against corporatism, most notably its coverage of the legendary Asbestos Strike led by a young firebrand named Jean Marchand.
When the Liberal Party came calling in the early 60s, it dearly wanted Jean Marchand, a suave intellectual named Gerard Pelletier and because those two insisted on the third, it reluctantly took in Trudeau. Liberals like to forget about that bit of history.
Leaping ahead, Juneau became the head of the CRTC, as formed by the now Prime Minister Trudeau in his first year of power, 1968. And this is the second great lesson.
LESSON TWO: Culture Matters
Everything Juneau did was born out of the same philosophy that Trudeau held and that entire group of Canadian reformers of the 1960s held - you can change a country as much by its culture as by its laws. In ordering Canadian radio to start playing Canadian music, pronto and not just during the 3AM stoner deejay shift he created a national recording industry. The Juno was named in tribute in 1971; just three years into the job, he was loved that quickly.
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Without him, No her |
Later, at the tail end of the Trudeau years, Juneau became head of the CBC. The immediate task was to make all CBC programming 95% Canadian. And because he saw that a sizable and growing portion of the country was tuning in to CNN, he created Newsworld (sic). We would no longer be America Lite.
Is this the time, place and occasion to state that the country was better then, when it found its identity in providing opportunities for young people to demonstrate their love for this country through arts and culture rather than mixing their blood with the sand of distant wars? Perhaps not, but for my money that is the Third Lesson of Pierre Juneau. À Dieu.
Be seeing you.
Farah Quinn Dicekal Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia, Enggan Tanggapi Masalah Teguran KPI
Pembawa Acara kuliner yang disiarkan oleh TransTV Farah Quinn dicekal Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI). Video Hot Farah Quinn tersebut, sangat terlihat jelas, Farah Quinn memamerkan Belahan Dada nya. Siaran ‘Ala Chef Farah Quinn’ edisi 5 Februari 2012, pukul 10:00 WIB tersebut mendapatkan teguran dari KPI.
Imbauan tertulis dari KPI itu sendiri bernomor 81/K/KPI/02/12 yang dikeluarkan 14
Selasa, 21 Februari 2012
Dapatkan Free Backlink Nofollow Facebook dan Twitter
Ada-ada saja artikel dari Blogspot Pemula ini, yah mencoba mendapatkan backlink Gratis Nofollow buat blogspot. Tapi biasanya para blogger mencari backlink dari para teman yang berstatus Dofollow.
Dapatkan Free Backlink Nofollow Facebook dan Twitter, Backlink Nofollow dicari sepertinya tidak sesuai dengan kebiasaan umum yang biasa dilakukan para blogger maupun pakar SEO. Kebiasaan umum
Senin, 20 Februari 2012
Menakertrans Muhaimin Iskandar Bantah Dakwaan JPU - Kasus Suap di Kemenakertrans
Bantahan terjadi (Senin 20/02/2012), Muhaimin Iskandar duduk di kursi pesakitan sebagai saksi di Pengadilan Tipikor Jakarta. Ketua Umum Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa itu, menjadi saksi dalam Kasus Suap Dana Percepatan Infrastruktur Daerah (PPID) kawasan transmigrasi. Dalam kesaksian itu, Muhaimin mengakui jika kementerian yang dia pimpin tidak paham dengan proyek ini.
"Apakah saudara pernah
Jumat, 17 Februari 2012
Jeremy Lin = Hope
The Jeremy Lin Column
For: Le Herald de Paris
By: Chuck Balls
Jeremy Lin. I’m surprised you made it this far. In my entire life’s history of sports - one that begins with the Cardinals v. Red Sox World Series of 1967 with Bobby and Ted Kennedy watching from Fenway in the coolest Ray-Bans in the history of Ray-Bans - I’ve never seen anything like the Jeremy Lin phenomenon. Who compares to Lin-Mania? In baseball, the closest I can think of is Vida Blue or Mark ‘the Bird’ Fidrych, In hockey, only the great Montreal Canadiens’ goaltender of the 1970s Ken Dryden comes to mind and even then the Canadiens under their General Manager Sam Pollock were a shrewd outfit, so how bad could a Cornell University grad be as a back-up to Rogatien Vachon?
Basketball...basketball like football bears no surprises. Both are scouted to the point of plastic bag over the head suffocation. Who would one truly pick as a surprise star in football? Joe Montana or Tom Brady? One was the quarterback at Notre Dame (when the Irish were still good) and the other at Michigan (when the Wolverines were still good). That they didn’t freeze at the line and let loose a slowly rolling line of drool on their center’s butt really should not have come as a shock.
Nor should Tebow, who is the closest thing to the beatification of Jeremy Lin. Tim Tebow was and is a highly scouted and borderline highly-rated quarterback from the football factory that is the University of Florida. There was debate over whether Tebow, with a throwing motion that resembles a grown man tossing his first paper airplane since childhood, could make it as an NFL quarterback. The existence of the debate indicates that the positive outcome is not entirely unexpected.
There really is no way of describing the Lin Phenomenon in anything other than hyperbolic terms. A player whose public consciousness was non-existent at the start of the shortest month of the year who is its biggest star by the end is unique. Unique means something. Is there an etching of the zeitgeist in the world of Jeremy Lin?
Jeremy Lin rolls to the hole... |
I suspect there is. Hell, that’s why I’m writing this story. At rock bottom line, the fame of Jeremy Lin - profession: point guard, New York Knickerbockers - is a triumph of man over machine and it couldn’t have come at a better time. We live in a time where we are told that this must be bailed out, that a minimum wage must be slashed, that pensions must be revisited, that this country or another must be bombed because,,,well that’s what we’ve been told, Now whether one’s taxes are less than a billionaire’s, investments vanished like a summer candle or your son is suddenly on a frontline, you have some doubts. You wonder whether there is some alternate vision of the world, one where the experts are Wrong. To paraphrase Paul Simon, Where have you done Jeremy Lin/A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
Jeremy Lin graduated from Harvard. Harvard. The school where smart people go. I could Google search and perhaps find another pro athlete who came from Harvard, and there may be one, but that would deny the uniqueness of the moment. It’s Harvard. No one scouts Harvard unless they have press box seats for the Pats the following night.(BTW, I did Google this - the next most famous Harvard Crimson alum athlete is Baltimore Ravens’ center Matt Birk. Oh.)
We need to know that smart people are wrong sometimes, otherwise what is the point of democracy? Whether Jeremy Lin goes on to a Hall of Fame career with two rings like Walt ‘Clyde’ Frazier is beside the point. If he loses his jump shot and makes 12 turnovers a game starting tomorrow is bedside the point. He reminded us that you can beat the odds, beat the scouts and beat the experts. God love him.
Foto Angeline Sondakh Pakai BlackBerry 2009 Punya Gaya Hidup Boros
Pasca sidang di pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Jakarta Rabu (15/2/2012) Saksi Kasus Suap Wisma Atlet SEA Games Angelina Sondakh terus menuai hujatan dari pihak lawan. Setelah sebelumnya, pengacara Nazaruddin, Elza Syarief, mengungkapkan rencana cerai Angie dengan mendiang suaminya, Adjie Massaid,
"Satu di antara penyebab yang sering memicu pertengkaran dengan Adjie Massaid, adalah gaya
Kamis, 16 Februari 2012
Jadwal Dan Daftar Nama Pembalap MotoGP 2012
Musim MotoGP 2012 sudah dekat. Admin Blogspot Pemula salah satu penggemar berat ajang bergengsi ini. Kami melihat banyak hal yang baru yang terjadi di musim moto gp 2012 ini, perpindahan para rider dengan team mereka yang baru.
Motor tunggangan pun baru dan tentunya kitapun berharap para raider juga akan punya semangat baru dalam menampilkan tontonan berkualitas dan bisa membuat adrenalin
Rabu, 15 Februari 2012
Angelina Sondakh Saksi Kasus Suap Wisma Atlet SEA Games, Muhammad Nazaruddin
Bantahan demi bantahan terus disampaikan Saksi Angelina Sondakh terhadap isi percakapan lewat BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) dengan Mindo Rosalina Manulang membuat geram kubu terdakwa Muhammad Nazaruddin.
Pengacara Muhammad Nazaruddin pun lalu menunjukkan bukti foto dan sebuah berita di salah satu media yang memperlihatkan bahwa Angelina yang kerap disapa Angie sudah memiliki BlackBerry (BB)
How iPad will Save Television
How the iPad Will Save Television
Inside Television 591
Publication Date: 2-17-12
By: Hubert O’Hearn
A few short celebrity notes before we get on with a few thoughts about the iPad and television. First, if you weren’t around at the time, you have no idea how big a star Whitney Houston was in the mid to late-eighties. At the time, I lived in Toronto and there were three huge record stores on Yonge Street each lit with enough neon signage to make Las Vegas look like a Carmelite nun. For you kids out there who have no idea what I’m talking about, a record store was where you went to buy things that fit in milk crates. In any event I recall one summer afternoon in, I think, 1986 and all three stores had pulled down their Michael Jackson displays for Thriller and replaced them with Whitney Houston. She was that big, both literally and poster-sized.
There’s a quite wonderful line in an equally wonderful novel by the Canadian writer Andrew Kaufman called The Waterproof Bible. One of the underwater humanoids who comes up on land (yes it has its science fiction elements) says that what we humans don’t get is that there are no happy or sad endings. It all depends where you stop telling the story. I’d prefer to end my thoughts on Whitney Houston’s story about 1993. The reasons I think are obvious.
Second note: Is it just me, is it just coincidence, or does it not seem that on the sports side celebrity athletes are going from unknown to meg-maxi-superstars in no time flat? Tim Tebow had started maybe four games in his professional career and he was a featured character on Saturday Night Live. Now Jeremy Lin, who starts at point guard for the New York Knicks in a ‘oh what the hell’ move by coach Mike D’Antoni, becomes a massive phenomenon after two games. At this writing, he’s been quite phenomenal for his first six; but still, they were printing T-shirts and running his picture repeatedly on the back cover of The Daily News after two games. It’s a wonderful story if it sticks.
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Billie Piper as Rose: Doctor Who, that's who! |
What I really want to talk about is the iPad. I’m still relevantly new to it, however I am intrigued that one thing I am truly enjoying about it is the one thing I thought I’d never use it for: watching TV. I’ve just never quite understood the pleasure of watching programming likely to be available on a large screen on something 2 to 7 inches diagonal.
Well it does have something going for it and that is dedicated, on-demand channels. When I bought the iPad I immediately turned to the Guardian (guardian.co.uk) for tips on the best apps to load into it. They suggested the BBC iPlayer. What I love about it is that there are masses of free content: included are an excellent HARDtalk interview with Patrick Stewart, Michael Palin’s Pole to Pole, and the start of Jamie Oliver’s career with The Naked Chef. In short, taste stimulators across the spectrum. After a show ends, a very polite reminder comes up asking if one would like to spend a meagre $8.99 a month to have access to the entire BBC archive. Yes, including Doctor Who - the Billie Piper years.
This is what makes the iPad so intriguing in terms to television’s business model. My satellite bill is about a hundred bucks a month and there are times when there’s nothing on. For that same hundred, I could have roughly eleven stations within whose programming I can pick and choose. What seems the better choice to you? The iPad way is clearly the better way for broadcasters as they de facto will be making money off old content with virtually no costs added for delivery. Be seeing you.
Pembunuh Berantai Bermotif Asmara Mujianto, Nganjuk Jawa Timur
Belum lekang dari ingatan kita perihal kasus pembunuhan berantai ala Very Idam Henyansyah alias Ryan asal Jombang, kini hadir lagi Penjagal Manusia baru dengan motif yang sama Mujianto alias Mentok alias Gentong.(Nganjuk, Jawa Timur)
Polisi berhasil membongkar pelaku pembunuhan berantai dengan modus pembiusan yang menewaskan empat orang dan dua kritis di Nganjuk, Jawa Timur. Aksi ini
Selasa, 14 Februari 2012
Misteri Ramalan Kiamat 2012 Suku Maya
Fenomena Ramalan hari kiamat pada 2012 semakin menjadi-jadi, ini menjadi sebuah bahan gunjingan yang tiada habisnya. Kenyataannya sudah berkali-kali Ramalan mengenai musnahnya Peradaban manusia bermunculan tapi alhasil tahun demi tahun berlalu semuanya itu hanya fiktif belaka.
Dari soal bencana badai matahari dahsyat, adanya sebuah planet misterius menghantam bumi serta beredarnya isu
Minggu, 12 Februari 2012
Membuat Header Blogspot Menjadi dua Kolom
Kita sudah mengenal Struktur Dasar Template Blogspot dan dengan pengenalan tersebut kita dapat juga merubah Lebar Header, Halaman Posting dan Sidebar dengan mengenal sedikit kode utama bagian tersebut. Sekarang kita coba membagi Header menjadi dua kolom.
Membuat Header Blogspot Menjadi dua Kolom, Bagaimana sih bentuk header dua kolom tersebut. kira-kira seperti sobat
lihat di bawah ini, yang
Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012
Whitney Houston Penyanyi Lagenda Meninggal Dunia
Penyanyi Lagenda Whitney Houston Meninggal Dunia. Whitney Houston meninggal dunia, beliau yang selama ini dikenal sebagai ratu musik pop Tutup usia pada usia 48 tahun.
Whitney Houston meninggal dunia menurut TransTV by Program Insert siang ini (Minggu 12/2/'12) Penyanyi legendaris ini ditemui meninggal di kamar sebuah hotel karena Drug. Beliau ditemukan oleh Bodyguard nya dalam kondisi sudah
Pemeriksaan Kasus Selingkuh Bupati Zumi Zola Diundur
Pemeriksaan Kasus Selingkuh Bupati Jambi Zumi Zola terhadap Aldi atau Bernaldi Kadir Djemat di BARESKRIM Umum Kepolisian Daerah Metro Jaya ditunda. Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012.
Aldi menjadi tersangka dalam kasus penganiayaan sekretaris mertuanya, Rudi M. Rahmat. Aldi juga dilaporkan mantan artis yang menjadi Bupati Tanjung Jabung Timur, Zumi Zola, atas dugaan pencemaran nama baik. Tuduhan
Jumat, 10 Februari 2012
Tragedi Kecelakaan Maut Taman Safari Cisarua Bogor
Sungguh sangat memilukan kejadian Tragedi kecelakaan yang terjadi di Tanah air kita tercinta, belum habis rasa duka yang kita rasakan dengan kejadian Tragedi Xenia Tugu Tani, Jumat (10/2/2012) sekitar pukul 18.30 WIB Kecelakaan Maut Taman Safari Cisarua Bogor terjadi.
Berikut kronologi kecelakaan bus Karunia Bhakti yang menghantam belasan kendaraan bermotor, warung bakso dan kemudian
Naluri Pemilihan Kata Kunci Artikel
Pemilihan Kata Kunci atau Keyword Artikel, tidak semua orang memiliki naluri yang baik dalam pemilihan kata kunci setiap artikel, karena untuk menentukan kata kunci tersebut dibutuhkan pengalaman yang mumpuni.
Biasanya seorang yang mempunyai jiwa Jurnalistik lah yang mempunyai naluri atau insting yang baik dalam hal Pemilihan Kata Kunci sebuah Artikel, ini diperlukan untuk Optimasi Seo
Kamis, 09 Februari 2012
Sekilas Fasilitas Pesawat Kepresidenan Yang Baru
Sekilas Fasilitas Pesawat Kepresidenan Yang Baru. Rehat sejenak ya ngebahas seluk beluk tentang Optimasi Blogspot, refresh sejenak dengan News. Enak ya jadi Presiden semua fasilitas selalu di utamakan diatas segalanya. Blogspot pemula posting Hot News yang lagi hangat di beritakan beberapa media.
"Proses pengadaan pesawat ini sudah jauh dan dilakukan pengkajian dari berbagai segi. Sampai
Ferris Bueller, Clint Eastwood, Karl Rove
Inside Television 590
Publication Date: 2-10-12
By: Hubert O’Hearn
I rarely look back at a sporting event for content. No matter how important the three hours of viewing on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon may have seemed at the time, by the time the last shredding of shiny confetti hits the ground, audience interest has already joined it in its drift. That was fun. What’s next?
Then again, I’m not really writing about this year’s Super Bowl, which was a nice game with the requisite controversial call (the safety) and fourth quarter heroics to keep the largest audience in US television history engaged in watching the commercials. Yes that’s a truism and is equally true of every advertising medium ever invented. Watch the ad, be intrigued by the ad, buy the product. Nothing to see here, move along now.
Except it really was different this year. In following the Tweets and Facebook status updates during the game, that activity also being a still fresh experience, one couldn’t help noticing there was a more concentrated and playfully argumentative reaction to what was going on during the injury and TV time outs than the game being played.
People have made a bit of a game for the past twenty years in picking their favourite Super Bowl ad. The advertisers and their agencies finally took serious notice of the public interest and fed it. I think the first ad to be pre-released the week before the Super Bowl was Honda’s updated version of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. I just took a quick peek at YouTube: 14 million views. Honda would have paid upwards of $5 million for the 2:25 spot and while that is a ghastly amount of money which doesn’t even take into account the production costs including Matthew Broderick’s fee, you would have to say it was money well spent.
110 million people watched the Super Bowl in the US last Sunday. During the time the Honda ad played, some or many of those would have been getting beer, relieving themselves of beer, opening Doritos or engaging in silly bets; not concentrating in other words. However 14 million people actively seeking out and engaging with a commercial message is huge.
The ad that has captured the most attention post-game was one of the few that were not pre-released, that being the Clint Eastwood voiced 2 minute spot for Chrysler: It’s Halftime in America. A generally uplifting message about stick-to-itiveness and optimism for the American auto industry found its way into public discourse with former George W. Bush master strategist Karl Rove suggesting that Chrysler and Eastwood were endorsing the Obama administration. Eastwood essentially replied that he is no one’s pupper, but the message is there if any candidate wants to run with it.
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Clint Eastwood through the eyes of a child ... or as seen by the curiously baby-shaped Karl Rove |
There is much here to absorb and analyze, which is going to take a little while. However, for now, ask yourself these questions: What does it all mean when the ads meant to support the product actually become the product? Is this the final Borg-like assimilation of independent thought into Consumer Man? Or was that battle fought and won a long time ago?
Be seeing you.
Rabu, 08 Februari 2012
Membuat Link Komentar Open New Tab
Pernah mengklik Link yang ada pada kotak komentar? saya rasa semuanya pernah. Bagaimana ya kira-kira kalau ada pengunjung yang mengklik Link tersebut tetapi dia tidak meninggal halaman kita.
Kali ini Blogspot Pemula share Membuat Link Komentar Open New Tab. Weleh-weleh judulnya koq campur bahasanya, ah yang penting sepertinya pada paham maksudnya. Seharus nya kan kalau menggunakan bahasa
Senin, 06 Februari 2012
Menampilkan Total Post dan Comment Blogspot
Terkadang ingin melihat statistik berapa total jumlah postingan dan berapa total comments yang ada di blog kita. Widget ini cukup simpel bila kita ingin membuatnya.
Total Post dan Comment Blogspot adalah widget yang berfungsi untuk menampilkan berapa total postingan dan komentar yang berada didalam blog kita. Bagaimana? tertarik, ikuti langkahnya dibawah ini.
Membuat Total Post dan
Minggu, 05 Februari 2012
Amanah Seorang Wanita
Menjadi ibu merupakan fase kehidupan yang seolah menjadi kodrat dan
tampak mudah dilakoni oleh semua wanita. Padahal ada banyak hal baru
yang akan terjadi seiring dengan peran wajibnya ketika menjadi ibu. Itu
semua tidak mudah karena sejak TK sampe jenjang-jenjang pendidikan
selanjutnya tidak ada kurikulum yang menyertakan mata pelajaran
"Pengetahuan untuk calon IBU", terlebih juga memang
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Keyword Density adalah perbandingan (persentase) antara keyword tertentu dengan keseluruhan keyword yang ada. Ada juga menyebutkan Pemahaman Mengenai Kepadatan Kata Kunci antara keyword tertentu dan keseluruhan keyword yang terdapat dalam website, dan keyword density postingan (antara keyword tertentu dengan keseluruhan keyword dalam sebuah postingan) Mengenai Keyword Density Website kita,
Jumat, 03 Februari 2012
Cara Membuat Permalink Blogspot Otomatis
Membuat Permalink Blogspot Otomatis atau permanen link merupakan alamat URL atau link yang permanen tentang suatu postingan. Permalink blogspot sangat penting untuk menambah link internal di artikel postingan kita. Karena permalink yang satu ini SEO Friendly sehingga mudah dibaca oleh google.
Permalink di blogspot dengan permalink di wordpress tentu berbeda, walaupun definisinya tetap sama.
Rabu, 01 Februari 2012
Optimalkan Keyword Alt Tag Pada Gambar
Untuk mempertajam kata kunci pada semua artikel kita ada Batasan Kepadatan Kata Kunci yang bisa diterima oleh si Om Google, yah kami sendiri sebenarnya baru menyadari hal ini pada blog kami, dan kita mudah-mudahan semua bisa melakukan yang lebih baik.
Pada postingan terdahulu Cara Memasang Alt Tag Pada Gambar 2 Kami sudah memberikan tutorial singkatnya. Kalau kita menggunakan Keyword atau
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