Inside Television 538
Publication Date: 1-28-11
By: Hubert O'Hearn
Three stories this week that bear attention: two goodbyes and a hello. Let's start with a goodbye.
It was one day previous, almost to the minute, before I heard the news that the inevitably-captioned fitness guru Jack Lalanne had passed away at the age of 96. I had been thinking about writing a column on a slow week about Lalanne; prompted by an excellent article on comparing Lalanne with Jane Fonda nd Jillian Michaels.
I think that what Jack Lalanne got about fitness was that it needed to be a family thing; we're all ij this together. Thus his gentle cajoling of the kids to 'go and get Mom'. If Mom was chomping on bonbons while the kids did jumping jacks, well that wasn't a good plan – and if the kids were screaming for Mom while she was doing back leg kicks holding on to the back of a kitchen chair, she wouldn't be getting fit either. He hated dairy products (and there is reasonable science to back him, but do pass the cheese tray my way), ate fruit like a Barbary ape and from all accounts was a good and honest man. My kitchen chair wept a little tear.
The next goodbye. (I feel I should be turning to camera three.) Keith Olbermann and MSNBC parted ways. Whether it was a firing,a resignation, or a resignation instead of a firing is unknown at the time of this writing. What is known is that Olbermann is one of the few broadcasters in history whose style became an entire channel's style. He made MSNBC into the voice of the Democratic left (which is scarcely Bolsheviks massing in St. Petersburg) when he dropped the pretense of objectivity in 2006 and years following. Ratings followed. Rachel Maddow and others were hired. Granted, Fox News still led in the ratings, but the tilt to the left had taken MSNBC from ratings in the 0.5 range to 1.5 and that is worth millions. There is nothing cheaper to produce than a news show, yet it is always the news that faces cuts.
But NBC-Universal, the owner of MSNBC, has been sold to Comcast and there are changes at the boardroom level and in the executive suites. News chief Jeff Zucker who had endorsed and protected the MSNBC shift has been removed. I predict and expect MSNBC will, ahem, commit to objectivity which means that it will deflate into the same giddy pap and goo that has turned CNN into news worth missing. I hope Keith is back somewhere soon.
Finally, of all the things I've ever written, the line most often quoted back to me is that 'Oprah Winfrey attempts to come across as so sincere she becomes insincere.' I couldn't help but think of that after the emergence of her half-sister Patricia on Oprah's show this week. This right on the heels of a series of stories on the major trade sites that Oprah and her OWN network (God I hate typing that phrase – so coy, so cute, so wrapped in fudge and covered in melted chocolate sweet) weren't exactly pulling big numbers.
So – hey now! - look what I found! New family!
Oh it worked very well. Oprah popped her biggest rating in six years. Isn't coincidence lovely? I have said before that everything – everything – seen on television is a work. It is designed to make you have a visceral reaction deep in your belly that will compel you to go and buy things. That is why television exists. That is why Oprah exists. That is why the 'look what I found at Thanksgiving' awww moment exists.
I trust that Patricia is being paid very well and good for her. She will exist as part of the real-life Truman Show played out on OWN with the role of Truman played not by Jim Carrey but by a serially overweight talk show host. There are worse parts. At least it's long-running and you're not likely to be re-cast.
I do believe Patricia is whom they claim her to be. But I do have two questions: If Patricia had clued in to all this in 2007, you're telling me that on first contact there wouldn't have been DNA specialists and private detectives all over this like ants on an uncle? And two: If all of this was about family love and all that real 'real life' stuff … why isn't Patricia allowed to use her last name? Don't her adoptive parents maybe deserve a little love too? Or did they hold out for parts in the Oprah Show too?
Be seeing you.